I designed my own invitations. I bought purple and lime green cardstock (Tinkerbell colors), irridescent white ribbon, irridescent white glitter, and a Tinkerbell punch. Using a paper cutter, I cut the purple cardstock into 5" x 7" pieces, and I cut the green cardstock into smaller 3.5" x 5.5" pieces. I sent all the green pieces of cardstock through my printer where the text of the invitation was printed with an airy cursive font. I then set the green piece of paper on top of the purple piece so that there was a purple border all around the green piece.
Using a regular hole punch I punched 2 holes approx 3/4" apart about 1.5" down from the top of the purple paper, and I fastened the two pieces of paper together with a bow made from the irridescent ribbon. I used the Tinkerbell punch and plain white paper to make a bunch of Tink cutouts and I dipped them in glue and glitter on one side and when dry, I glued about 5 of them onto the invitation. By doing this I ended up with little flecks of glitter all over the inviation which gave it an overall sparkly look.
Overall, these were kind of time consuming to do, but I enjoy crafting and I like to be unique. You can get everything you need at Michael's except the Tinkerbell punch which I was only able to find on eBay.
The invitations read: Our Tinkerbell is Turning Two So We're Having a Party for Little Lucy Loo. Come to Where the Pirates Plunder & the Fairies Roam; The Gateway to Neverland is Lucia's Home. Fly on Over on February Four At 2 pm for Fun and More. Just Think of the Happiest Things, It's the Same as Having Wings. When You Enter Neverland You Will Turn Into A Fairy, a Pirate Whole New You! All It Takes is Your Faith and Trust We'll Supply the Pixie Dust. RSVP by January Twenty-One To Say Whether or Not You Will Come.Barbie Fairytopia Mermaidia
She loves Barbie Fairytopia/Mermaidia, and wanted her party to have this theme. We just had a pool built this summer, so thought it would be perfect to have the party at home with the pool area being Mermaidia, and turning the indoor area into Fairytopia.
To start, for the invitations I had a friend help me with Photoshop to merge a clip-art picture of a Fairytopia fairy in a garden with my daughter's picture. She had gone to Libby Lu's a few months earlier, so I had pictures of her with her hair all up, a tiara on and sparkles on, etc. I put her head on the fairy picture so it looked like she was a Fairytopia fairy. I then printed this on sparkly clear vellum and added pink and white glitter glue to glitter-up the invitation, and glued some crystal stars around too.
On the back, I modified a poem I found on this website. It said "Peek into the land of Fairytopia, and what will you see? A sparkly little fairy, flying amongst the trees. Her name is xxx, and she is turning six. Please join us for a party, where there will be lots food and tricks. The good fairies there will help you earn your wings, and we'll play games together, and make pretty fairy things. We will also travel to Mermaidia, and swim in the great blue sea. Please bring your bathing suit with you, and your mermaid tail if you please. Hope you can join us! Date, Time, RSVP, etc.Fairy Poem
We purchased Barbie Fairytopia theme invitations. We filled in the printed side with all of the party details- date and time, location, etc.
On the blank side of the invitation, I wrote a poem. Peek into the garden, and what will you see? A beautiful fairy, sitting under a tree. Her name is Morganne, and she's turning six. Won't you join her for a party, full of dancing and tricks? The good fairies there will help you earn your wings. And we'll play games together, with pretty fairy rings.Fairy Pink Card
For the invitation I pencil-sketched a fairy and used my color printer to print it out on translucent paper (I could fit about six per page so it wasn't too expensive). I cut these out and used spraymount to stick them to pink card. I used accent beads on the wings to give them that extra sparkle.
Inside, I used a curly font for the printing, inviting each girl to come dressed as a fairy if they wished, but to make sure they brought outdoor shoes and a coat as well. For thank-you cards afterwards, my daughter drew a really pretty fairy so I scanned and printed that on blue card this time.Fairy Friends Letter
Two weeks before the party, we sent out letters to the invitees printed in script on pink butterfly printer paper from the dollar store.
They read: My dear fairy friend, I bring you very grave news from the Enchanted Briar, where I am queen. An evil wizard has cast a spell and taken the good magic from the Briar. My powers are not strong enough to fight him alone and bring peace back to my home in time to celebrate my 7th birthday. I need your help! Please meet me and my dearest fairy friends from across the land at the Briar on Sunday, May 29th, 1-3 p.m. You'll find us at 1234 Sweetbriar Lane dressed in our finest fairy attire. Send a message as soon as possible to let me know I can count on your help. I do hope you can come. Your friend, Savanna of the Enchanted Briar.
One girl was so excited, she and her mom drove 30 minutes to drop off a personal RSVP the next day. Another enthusiastically stated, I'll do it!Fairies Elves & Butterflies
I have sent invitations which I printed out myself which has pictures of fairies elves and butterflies which I got off the net and reads "Skye is having a FAIRIES & ELVES Birthday party to celebrate her 4th Birthday…She would love for you to be there ! !
There will be Face painting to help turn you all into little Elves and Fairies, and heaps of games & yummy food… All you have to do is wear your favourite Fairy or Elf clothes & the wands, elf hats & wings will be supplied!!!!!!! All Fairies & Elves to be gather at _____ On the ____ at __."Garden Fairies Rhyme
I bought paper that had flower fairies around the boarder, and wrote (some from this site and some I made up): "Far, far away in a magical place, sits a small garden fairy, her name Princess Grace. She sits and she waits in the warm summer sun. Please say you'll join her for food, games and fun. With fairy wings, fairy dust and flowers galore. Butterflies, toadstools and so much more. June 23rd this magical day. Dress in your fairy best, garden fairies come and play!" Fairy Flower Girl Bouquet
I bought 8 different flower stems (lilli, rose, tulip, gardenia, iris, sunflower, amaryllis, daffodil)and attached a tag with a ribbon (construction paper cut in the shape of a tag) stating the date of the party, the time and the name of the flower which would be their flower fairy name.
I am handing them out this weekend and the birthday girl will of course get one. She will be Fairy Rose. The fairies will be instructed to bring their flower fairy wands with them (the flower stems given to them as an invitation) to the party and to come dressed with tights and leotards in light colors.Photo Fairy
I dressed my daughter up in a pair of wings made by me (But they can be purchased at any costume store or even found on a online auction) and I made her a halo of Flowers for her head. I also made a Wand by taking a wooden steak skewer, glitter glue and construction paper.
I put her in a pink dress and she looked adorable. I then took her picture. I printed her picture onto some invitations (But the picture can be glued to the front of the invitation. Actually if you do this you can take a whole roll of film and each invitation can have a different picture of your little fairy on it and it saves money).
Inside the card it read: This past year has been fun but soon ______ will be turning one! Flowers, Butterflies and the many beauties found outside are a few of her favorite things. So for one special day she will have her own set of wings.Fairy on Web
Fairy walking the spider web tight rope in a forest of tiny animals and critters.
I made up a poem which read: Far, far away, in a magical place, Sits a small little fairy, with her soft smiling face. She waits for her friends, in the warm summer sun, Won't you come September 8th, to join in the fun. With fun foods to eat, and fun games to play, Your arrival at noon, will make Chloe's day. She anxiously waits, as each day passes by, While her mommy and daddy, await your reply.
You could change it around to fit your child's personality. We then added our home address, phone#, e-mail address.Fairy Photo
On the left side of the invitation, I found a picture that looked like a good woodsy-fairy-like background. I took a picture that I had taken of my daughter and used the Paint program in MS Windows to cut around her and put it on top of the background.
I found some butterfly wings in a picture and I copied them and pasted them and made her look like she had wings. I used the flip horizontal feature to make 2 wings. I used the splatter tool to make her a little crown and a little wand.
I bought some (fairy dust) body glitter at Walgreens and put a little in the envelope with the invitation.Tinker Bell
I created a picture using my scanner and computer. The front of the invitation had a picture of a castle at the end of a rainbow with Tinker Bell in the for- front of the picture with other pixies flying around the castle.
The inside of the invitation read as follows: Tinker Bell and her pixie friends invite you to become an honorary pixie or lost boy for the day at their pixie palace,(which is located in Neverland on the other side of the rainbow next to Mermaid Lagoon)to celebrate Makaylas 5th birthday. Then I input the date, time, and real address.Tinker Bell
I have a Disney Print Shop that I used to create the invites. The background of the invite was light blue with swirls & stars & had a picture of Peter, Wendy & her brothers flying. It said, "Think of the happiest things, it's the same as having wings… Come fly with us to ______'s 4th Birthday Party! The magic starts at ____ on _____. Gateway to Neverland is ____. You provide the faith & trust, we'll provide the pixie dust!"
At the bottom I scanned in a picture of my daughter in a Tinkerbell costume standing next to a 3 1/2 ft Peter Pan cut out of wood (my Dad did the cut out & I painted it).
Fairy Puzzle Invitation
Drew and coloured a fairy princess, photocopied on cardstock, outlined wings, crown, wand in glitter glue, cut out outline, on the skirt of the princess had the following poem:
GL is turning six and all the pieces are falling into place. We're just missing You and your bright and shiny face. There'll be sprinkles of Pixie Dust and Magical Games to Play. We'll even learn to Fly and have some Fairy Tea that day. Only you can make her Fairy Princess party complete. So join us in the Fairy Forest and earn your Wings to keep.
Bought puzzle invitations (OTC), wrote out details of party location, time, date, RSVP etc., jumbled puzzle & placed in snack bag taped to back of this invitation. When kids opened it, they had to assemble puzzle for party details.
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