The Princess Party - Decorations
Pink Patio Throne
We decided to have the party on our back patio. I chose pink, fuchsia, silver and white for the color scheme and hearts and crowns for our theme. Our patio is made of brick pavers, which gave the castle feel we were going for. We have large steps that go up to our sliding glass doors. The top step before the house is good sized so we decided to make that the location for the throne.
I used a chair and covered it with a large white table cloth that I already had. I then tied a pink, fuchsia, white and silver sash around it and made a big bow in the back. I cut out a crown shape from heavy duty aluminum foil and double taped it to the front of the backrest. It turned out very cute!
I used a fuchsia plastic table cloth cut length wise for a rug leading up the steps to the throne and lined it with brick pavers to keep it in place. On one side of the throne I added a large planter that I filled with fuchsia colored geraniums and white forget-me-nots, I stuck in a small pink mylar balloon on a plastic stick that said - Happy Birthday Princess - and had all different princess jewelry and clothing on it.
Above the throne we hung a banner that was pink, fuchsia and purple and said - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - in between happy and birthday was a circle that said - PRINCESS - and had a tiara, wand, necklace, earrings and ring all with heart details. I hung a heart shaped decoration that said - Princess - and had little silver hearts and swirls hanging down from it with rings, shoes, necklaces etc. on them from my patio light fixture. I cut up the rest of the plastic table cloth (used for the rug) into triangles and stapled them to heavy duty string to make two 12 ft. flag banners. I ran them from rod iron torches that line our patio on either side.
We leaned a large mirror against the house and taped a poster of a princess to it. Around the poster, we wrote with blue marker - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ... Who's the Fairest of Them All? Below the mirror I place a yard ornament frog wearing a gold crown with a rose in his mouth and holding a sign that said - Kiss Me. The girls thought he was hilarious.
I had a gift table in one corner with a pale pink table cloth and sprinkled with more of the confetti. I printed a picture of Josie in her tiara and party dress and put it in a pink picture frame with fuchsia hearts and a crown on it. I put the picture and a fuchsia balloon weight holding white and pink heart shaped mylar balloons on the table. I kept all of my party supplies in a large laundry basket under this table.
On one side of the patio was our patio table set which I sprinkled with more of the princess confetti and 2 1/2 glass slippers that I found in the wedding section at Dollar Tree (6 for $1). I purchased 3" inlaid wooden craft hearts and painted them fuchsia with left-over craft paint. In the center of each one I wrote each girl's name (ex. Princess Hannah) with a silver pen and stapled fuchsia curling ribbon to the backs of them and hung them at different lengths from the inside of the patio table umbrella with the extra curling ribbon hanging down.
On the other side of the patio I had a six foot table that I used to serve food from and to hold supplies for the different crafts and games that the girls did. That table was covered with a pink plastic table cloth and sprinkled with more confetti and glass slippers. I found a cardboard castle caddy that said - PRINCESS - on the drawbridge and used it as my centerpiece. I placed heart shaped plates that matched the invitations pink and purple basket holding the treat bags was on the other.Wishing Well
Each guest who comes to the party enters to find a beautiful wishing well. Give her a shining penny and then tell her to make one wish before dropping it into the wishing well. Tell her that at the end of the night her "hearts desire" will come true. (You can actually hide favor boxes inside so that as each guest leaves she can pull up the basket to get a favor box or other small trinket. Wishing wells can be rented or bought for a nominal fee at craft or party stores or you can try your hand at making your own.
Wishing well Items needed: Hot glue gun White fabric or white wrapping paper 2 large cardboard boxes 3 wide wooden dowel rods Twine Basket or bucket Plastic vine and flowers White string of lights
To make: Cut off top ends of large cardboard box. Wrap and glue fabric or white wrapping paper around the outside of the cardboard box until completely covered. Can make brick appearance using gray marker if desired. To make roof cut and arrange other large cardboard box to make a 'peaked' roof appearance. Wrap and glue cardboard with white fabric or paper.
To attach glue two of the dowels on each side of the inside of the peaked roof. Glue the last dowel horizontally in between the two dowels just below the roof line. Glue the dowel rods to the inside of the well. Attach the twine to the horizontally placed dowel and tie.
Attach the twine to a basket or bucket. It is best to make sure that the basket and twine is long enough to sit at the bottom of the cardboard box and that the twine is not taught but has some give. The well is mostly decorative and won't be able to support the weight of a bucket or basket. Decorate with colored lights vine and flowers if desired. To decorate the table and room use goblets gold plastic silverware and plates. You can use metallic pink silver and white streamers to make an entrance to the eating area. Attach the streamers to the ceiling then cascade them down and attach halfway down the wall with a flower.Giselle in New York
Under the Lights of New York: What a shock for poor Giselle to go from the mystical world of Andalasia to the busting New York City skyline full of tall buildings lights and looming signs. Why not enjoy watching the movie Enchanted under your own creative New York City Skyline? This is a great idea for older girls who loved the movie but aren't so into dressups and princesses anymore.
To create your own New York City Skyline you will need: Black butcher paper Chalk Colored or white lights Use the black butcher paper to cut and create wall length mural of skyscraper silhouettes. Cut out various sizes shapes and designs. Use chalk to create a gentle outline of the building windows or signs. Poke colored or white lights through the butcher paper at various spots or use white lights to give a starry effect to the room.
Mount lights and paper to walls. Use blackout curtains or dark colored fabric to place over windows to darken the room. Place sleeping bags bean bags or other furniture on the floor to sit on during the movie. For a fun effect rent or use a projector to show the movie. Mount a white sheet or use a white wall with little texture to play the movie on. This will create a fun unique way to view the movie while a starry; New York skyline serves as your backdrop.
Hint: To mount you can use mounting tape found in any hardware or craft store to fix the skyline. It won't ruin your nicely painted walls.
Carriage Ride in the Park: Who didn't love the scene where Giselle steps down from her carriage in Central Park to dance and sing among a mix of colorful dancers balloons and singers? Your little girl will love to take her own carriage ride through the park. For a moderate fee you can rent a horse drawn carriage to pull you around the city or through your local park.
End the ride with a picnic in the park. If it's colder weather outside you can still enjoy a carriage ride. Most provide warm blankets and materials. And during the wintertime you can often take rides past twinkling Christmas lights and decorations. End the night by getting some hot chocolate and cookies as a treat.Table Decorations
The Dinner Table had only two aspects to it. It had to be elegant and it had to be pink. I bought a square meter piece of bright pink cotton/polyester and that was placed diagonally on a crisp white linen tablecloth I had. (cloth $2.30)
I bought some bright pink fake flowers for the center piece to be placed in a crystal vase. (flowers cost $4.00) I took out the fine china and paper dollies were used profusely were ever I could make them work. Two pink candle sticks, (I also happened to have kicking around) and the table was everything for a girl to want.Royal Dining Room
ROYAL DINING ROOM: I had decorated with pearls, and cut out single red roses on the windows and pink streamers and flowers on the wall to simulate Belle's Garden.... Each chair had a tulle bow on it and each child had a place card that I had cut out a star from pink posterboard and used a silver marker to highlight the outside and I wrote their name in silver and I attached a princess face next to each name (I tried to remember each child's favorite).....The tablecloth was silver and the plates, napkins and silverware was all pink....
Each place setting had a doilie on top of their place with a glass slipper(that I had bought in the wedding section of the craft store) Each child took their's home with them as well. Also each child had a plastic champagne glass that I had decorated with adhesive hearts.Enchanted Kingdom
My husband used sidewalk chalk to draw all the Princesses up the driveway: Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and he wrote Welcome to the Enchanted Kingdom and Enter the Castle here.....we also had pink balloons at the end of the driveway on both sides tied to party it was very festive as they walked up the pathway to the house. A princess CD was playing outside as the guests arrived.
On the front door we had a scroll sign that read: The (Your name)Castle welcomes you to Princess (my daughter's name)4th birthday. Upon arrival, each princess was given a wand and a bracelet...The princes were given a sword.(We only had one prince.) I had crayons and coloring pages of all the princesses and the dwarfs from Snow White, the mice (Jaq & Gus) from Cinderella on the kitchen table for all the kids to color while we waited for everyone to arrive.
The Royal Ball: After everyone arrived we had the parents go out onto the deck and wait and I had all the princesses and 1 prince line up in the kitchen and I spread a large red felt runner on the deck "our red carpet" …..and one of the older children made a trumpet noise and then I announced each princess and they walked on the red runner under a canopy that was decorated with balloons….when everyone was announced we turned on the princess music and danced…"our royal ball."Palace Ballroom
Decorations: I used real tableclothes and cheap plastic goblets. I put candles and whole pumpkins in the center of the table. I used gold plastic plates, napkins and silver plastic utensils for the table. I set the whole table up as if it was a fancy royal table, not a children's party.
I then hung netting across the ceiling over the table to make it look even more elegant. In my livingroom I hung banners and plastic flags and I criss crossed cheap white Christmas lights on the ceiling so that the livingroom looked like a palace ballroom.
My daughter has a castle bed so I took the headboard from it and set it up in the livingroom so that pictures could be taken in front of it. (I cardboard or posterboard castle would have been great too!)Princess Party Room
The decorations The room we reserved was really plain so I could really dress it up. I hung (cardboard) gold shimmery stars all over the walls (Found packs of 36 stars at the dollar store).
For the adult tables I didn't use tablecloths, I just loosely wrapped white Christmas lights in pink or purple tulle (got the tulle by the roll on sale at local craft store)and layed it down the middle of the table making sure the lights were wrapped inside the tulle. Then in the middle of the table on top of the lights I placed a jeweled crown (Discount store for .88 cents) and on each side pastel colored beaded wands. I did this to all of the adult tables.
Kids Tables My daughter wanted both Disney Princess and Barbie Princess and the Pauper so I put two long tables together (each one sat 8) draped them with purple table cloths and did one Disney Princess and the other Barbie. On the Disney Princess table I placed the large heart shaped Disney Princess plates and napkins at each of the eight place settings. I then strung silver wiry star garland down the middle of both tables and sprinkled with silver shimmers (like the icicles you put on your Christmas tree).
On the Disney table I also put large pieces of confetti with the different princesses' faces on it and sat three (plastic)champagne glasses with pink bows tied on them evenly spaced in the middle part of the table. In the glasses I placed mini candy bars that I had made wrappers on the computer for that said Thank you for coming to Zoey's 5th Birthday... We hope you had a ball! and each wrapper had a snow globe on it with a picture of Cinderella and the prince inside (found the clip art on the Internet).
On the Barbie table I used the Princess and the Pauper plates and napkins, sprinkled crown confetti around the table and also put some champagne glasses on there as well. For my daughter to open her presents I had fashioned a throne out of a regular dining room style chair. I took a piece of white poster board, rounded the edges made some scroll like designs at the top, added some gold paint around the edges and spelled her name across the top in colored gems.
For the bottom I took another piece of poster board and made some scrolled looking "feet" for the chair, leaving enough poster board to go from the bottom of the chair seat to the floor. I placed the poster board throne pieces on the chair and duct taped in place on the back. I then sat a big gold pillow with tassels on it on the seat of the chair.The Princess Entrance
I decorated the front door with a pink swagged drape made of plastic table cloth tied up in each corner of the door frame with purple tuele bows. The drape hung down each side of the door and really looked cute!
I made a sign for the front door out of pink poster board written in my calligraphy saying: Welcome all princesses to Princess Emma's 4th Royal Birthday Ball! I wrote the words in dark pink accented with purple glitter glue. I cut out two crowns from silver mylar for each top corner, decorated in purple and pearl white glitter glue. Also adding glitter hearts around the bottom.
I attached it to the door with a gold door hanger and then secured it to the hook with a pink bow made from a scrap of the table cloth. I took another pink table cloth, folded it in half longways and ran it from under our Welcome doormat down the 4 brick stairs to the walkway.
I secured this with a brick on each side of the runner on each stair. It worked fine and didn't even tear with all the children and parents coming and going. I was really surprised about this.Royal Flags and Box Castle
Decorations: We planned a party that could be held outside or inside depending on the weather (we were lucky and good weather prevailed), so the decorations had to work either way.
I opted not to have balloons, as they could get popped and the pieces are a choking hazard to our 18 month old. Instead I used plastic flags on strings (like a car dealership would use). Flags are more appropriate for a castle then balloons, anyway. We strung them from the trees and other outdoor structures. Inside they would have gone around and across the room. They worked really great for an outdoor party.
We have a large backyard, and they flags made it look really festive without a ton of decorations. They went up in less than 5 minutes. I bought pink roll paper from a teacher supply store for banners. It was thin enough to be perfect for door decorations if the party would be held inside. Just in case, I cut them door length, so they could be used that way. As it was, I hung them off our deck. I painted designs on them.
On one I had a castle and a large number 5. On another I had a shield and crown and my daughter's name. After the party I added some pictures of the big day and they made wonderful decorations for the door to my daughter's room. I had a lot of "little helpers" for the rest of the decorations.
The centerpiece was a large box castle. It had a front door, and a crawl through tunnel that led into a large appliance box. The children could walk through the front, crawl through the tunnel, and come out the back door. We hot glued boxes together (including smaller tower and turret boxes) with a hot glue gun.
Then my husband painted it gray with some old gray house paint. I then gave my daughter, her best friend, and her younger brother paint pots and brushes and set them free. They made shield designs, extra windows and doors, and all sorts of doodles, designs, hand prints and blobs.
I had mixed white into all their paints, so they had pastels. The colors looked really nice on the gray, and the whole effect was pretty, splatters and blobs and all! We cut out construction paper flags and shield designs. We used dowel rods to mount the flags on the turrets.
I told the girls about shields and how they were divided and how the symbols told about the person and their family. I gave them a set of markers and the construction paper shields and they spent hours coloring and designing them. On party day we pasted them on the castle and other places as great decorations. I'd say the party preparations were as much fun as the party for my daughter!Castle on the Deck
I made a beautiful (and cheap) homemade castle. I covered the railing surrounding our deck with a gray styrofoam material and made some castle towers out of cardboard and spray-painted them gray to make the entranceway up the deck steps. I had a lot of netting draping down off of the top of the towers. This served as an excellent photo spot!Royal Entrance
Outside decorations: Royal mini-flag (glitter felt with gold/silver trim & fabric painted Fisher Castle & designs), Door decoration (signage on bottom half of door + coreplast & foamboard painted silver & silver glitter cutout and attached to look like a castle turret, Glittered swirly sticks bordering walkway and in planter princesses welcome sign in planter, silver star garland around light post. Guests are greeted by the fairy godmother (friend). Gifts may be placed on coffee table in living room.Large Box Castle
DECORATIONS: We made a large castle out of two fridge boxes, a 46" t.v. box and another large t.v. box. that we got free at Future shop. It was all painted grey (mistinted paint at hardware store, real cheap) The two fridge boxes each had a window cut out and the top flaps were cut to make the crennulations (reinforced with popcycle sticks hot glue gunned to the back to keep from falling over), The large of the t.v boxes, again, had the crennulations cut out and reinforced.
On the front we cut out a drawbridge, painted it brown and used a black marker to draw lines to depict wooden planks (complete with knots even!)I then poked holes on the bottom and 2/3 the way up the drawbridge, I used twine to connect the bottom to the castle and the top end left extra string to raise and lower the drawbridge. The kids had a ball with that!.
On the back of that box I cut out a door that goes to the last box which is behind it. I made this the dugeon. I cut out a window with bars on one side of the box so that it stayed a bit dark in there. The two fridge boxes went on either side of the box that had the drawbridge. I cut a hole out of both boxes, and the middle box, (not a door like the dungeon), so they had four different rooms to play in.
It was too much trouble to paint bricks on the castle, so I just added a little white paint to some grey to lighten it and took a rectangle sponge ( dab first on paper towel) and sponge painted bricks around the windows and drawbridge opening. Let some of the bricks be lighter than the others, which adds a little authenticity to it.
To make torches,I painted two paper towel tubes brown and glued a syrafoam cup to the end (painted black), I took some paper and twisted it to look like a hershey kiss which I glued in to the top of the cup (painted orange and yellow to look like flames). They were attached on either side of the drawbrige.
The whole castle took up most of my dining room, and took a couple of days to do, but they loved it so much, so it was worth the trouble!! Plus it really sets the mood for the party. I also used some cardboard to make family crests and hung them on the walls to add more flair.I didn't bother with balloons or streamers.
In the kitchen I had pink satin pennents hanging from the ceiling.I had my daughter's vanity set and had the various princess acessories set up on it.Castle and Throne
I put 2 pink flags(w/c I made previously) at the entrance-one that says Noah's Castle & the other one says (your last name)Kingdom. I had my cousins roll out the carpet up to the entrance of the castle. I also had 2 other cousins become our Jesters/emcees for the night.
I then placed the throne(w/c I borrowed from our church & that I decorated the night before w/ pink beads, flowers & a crown in the middle) in the middle of the room by the fireplace(which the park staff lit for us).
A church member decorated the fireplace w/ flowers/beads & a picture of my girl w/ snow white. I had pink balloons all over the floor. We put pink tablecloths for the food/gift tables & scattered petals & small flowers on the tables.
I went to the ladies restroom & wrote "Mirror, mirror on the wall…" (the staff had to check first if it's an eraseable pen). Outside, I gave my Jesters all the stuff that they needed to decorate the amphitheatre.Royal Red Carpet
Decorations: I bought a roll of red plastic sheeting at our local party store and rolled it down our front walkway. This served as our "red carpet". I also purchased and hung pink, lavender & purple helium balloons strategically lining the walkway. I outlined our double-front doors with pink tulle and flanked them with helium balloons.
In the house, I set up an 8 foot long children's table in my dining room. This was covered with 3 layers of tablecloth; pink, lavender & pink. The birthday princess had a special "throne" decorated with tulle and balloons. I tied pink and lavender tulle around the backs of the children's chairs for a princess effect.
The cake table was covered with a pink tablecloth as well. Throughout the party rooms (our living room, dining room & family room), I had tied clusters of pink, lavender & purple helium balloons.Doorway of Streamers
They were so excited when they arrived all dressed up and saw the red crepe paper in the front hall to symbolize rolling out the "red carpet". I decorated my ceiling fans with stars about the size of my hand hanging from curling ribbon, streamers and balloons all in pretty pastel colors of pink, purple, yellow etc.
I made a castle turret top to fit across our double doors and sticky taped lengths of steamers from to the floor to fill the door way to the games room (like the old fashioned fly strips on doors). The girls loved walking through the streamers to the ballroom.Swingset Castle
For decorations, I had saved a large screen TV box and painted it Grey and then did black mortar to make bricks...the top of the box looked like a castle wall. I wrote Princess (daughter's name) castle on it and nailed it to our swingset where the slide that they came out of the entrance to the castle and down the slide. I also had flags on the castle. I also had tulle around the area for decorations and we did computerized signs for the party.Table for the Tea
I bought a small tea set at the Dollar General Store (white with pink roses on them) and a regular sized silverplated tea serving set at Fred's. I set out the china tea cups, saucers, and plates. On the plates I put a paper napkin. I bought small paper napkins at Walmart; I believe they were probably meant for a wedding shower but they matched my tea set just fine!
I cut the napkins in half and fan-folded them, then folded them in half, fanned them out and tied them at the bottom with satin ribbon. (I also bought the small paper plates to use later for the cake). I used a child sized table and chairs and covered the table with a pink table cloth with a white cutwork table cloth over it (Yes, it was my good table cloth, but I knew I could bleach it!). For a centerpiece I found a pink ceramic castle at a thrift store (pure luck!) and I set a vase of flowers on it.Party Room Decorations
Around the party room I put up several strings of fairy/xmas lights, and my husband used the spare lights to make a letter H (my daughers inital) on one wall. I used bright pink crepe paper to cover one wall and used that as a backing to display all the girls colouring in. I made bunting flags out of the left over card from the hats, each with a gold heart in the middle. There was enough of these to cover 2 walls.
I also used the left over pink card into arches that extended all down one wall behind the party table, also decorated with gold hearts which gave the room a castle feel. It worked out quite well as when I made the hats I cut out a semicicle from each one, so the pink arches ment no wastage ! I also had pink metallic heart cutouts that I purchased in the center of each archway.
There was an archway on the front door, and I wrote on in gold welcome to all princesses, please come in ! and tied pink and purple pearl balloons to the centre. There was a bunch of pink/purple ballons hanging from the ceiling above the party table, which was 2 tables joined together because I wanted the girls to be able to all sit down together ! On each chair there was tied a hellium heart shaped balloon (red,white,pink,purple)with a whole bunch of hellium ballons tied on the birthday girls chair.
I had intended to make her chair into a throne but ran out of time ! Anyhow table cloths, napkins, plates were a matching pink heart design. Each girls place setting had a doilie place mat, and a china tea cup and saucer that I bought from a op-shop really cheap.
None matched but the it still looked great and it wouldn't have mattered if any got broke. (which none did) Also on the table I had planted flowers into some old tea pots and also placed a bunch of pink/red silk roses into. To the handle I tied more hellium heart balloons. On the windows I used stickees hearts, red and white.Castle Entrance
The decorations were awsome and so much fun to make. I used cardboard from refrigerator boxes (free from appliance store) to make a castle for the front of our house. I painted it like grey bricks with turrets and flags and dressed up our front door to resemble a drawbridge.
A knight on a horse( drawn and painted on cardboard) greeted the princesses as they arrived. They walked up the sidewalk which I had covered with a red carpet remmenent and entered the castle through the "drawbridge".Royal Ballroom
Each guest was then escorted to the Royal Ball in our living room. My mother had purchased 40 yards of pink and white tulle. We draped the tulle on the ceiling to create a canopy. We then spinkled flower petals on the tulle. It was so beautiful!!
We made my daughter a royal throne by draping a curtain of tulle from the ceiling and hot-gluing flower petals to the fabric. I then took a sheet and covered our chair, so it would be pink. I placed a white pillow and her favorite pink bear in the chair. I accented the back of the chair with her two princess tiaras. It was perfect and I have a great picture of the princess asleep in her royal throne after the festivities were completed.Princess Music
In the room with the stage, I had a CD playing of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, Sleeping Beauty Suite, and Swan Lake, for any princesses or princes who felt like dancing.The Princesses Castle …
This is how we made the castle... Weeks before the party we picked up three refrigerator boxes from an appliance store. The store was very accomodating and gave the boxes to us at no cost.
I made castle towers out of all three keeping the middle box larger than the two others which I cut smaller. I then painted all three boxes with gray poster paint. I suggested stones with black paint. We cut a door out of the larger middle box along with a higher window above the door. For the two towers on either side of the center we cut matching windows.
On the door we painted a ring (from an old ring toss game) black and attached it as the door handle with some old hardware we happened to have lying around. The door was painted brown. We bolted the towers together with screws (covered with duct tape to avoid any injuries!!) and cut passageways so the kids could move between the boxes (towers).
I cut two banners out of purple felt and glued a simple crown design out of white felt to one and a tiara for the queen out of white felt to the other purple banner. We draped these banners out of the windows of the two side towers. I made a third banner out of the purple felt with a fancy "D" (our last name initial) with a crown over top. We hung this banner from our porch on the day of the party. This sounds like a ton of work, but we constructed and painted the castle in one morning.Throne Room for Photos
I cleaned out one room in my house and put up gold metalic curtains on all the doors and put a material on the wall. On this I put a 4' paper castle that I got from a party store.
Then I spray painted a chair gold glues gems on it and put royal purple material on the seat. I put material on the floor coming up to the chair as my red carpet.
Then as the kids arrived into the house my husband dressing up in a king cape and crown, and I wore a queen's dress. (both halloween costumes from the party store)
The kids came into the house and we gave them tiaras and wands or crown and swords. Each child sat in our "thrown" and we took their picture on my digital camera to be used as our thank you's.
Our thank you's where printed on labels on one side was the picture and on the other side read "Thank you for coming to our enchanted kingdom to celebrate princess Sydney's 5th birthday.
We had a royal good time because you were there. Your gift was a grand addition to my royal collection. Thank You Princess Sydney" I got treasure boxes from the craft store and spray painted them gold and glitter and I glued jewels on them.Towers of the Princess
For Decorations, I wanted 2 towers, so I went to a hardware store and bought a cardboard tube (they are made to pour ciment into for building foundation, they are very sturdy and come in 8, 10, 12 inches in diameter and are 12 feet long) So I bought the 12 in in dia. and got the man to cut it in 2, so I would have 2 towers of 6feet.
I painted them in my theme colors of purple and pink, put a cone top to them and draped some veil to the side. I also clued fake vines going up them. It made for a great background for pictures. The table had a princess tablecloth and instead of confitti, I put mini hart lollipops all over the table.
Also at the end of the table I placed the napkins (princess) and plastic cups (they were pink for the girls and blue for the boys, I wrote their names on the base in caligraphy with stars on each end). So they knew which glass was theirs.
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